Truck Repair Joliet IL – Auggie’s Field Service – Call Today – (847-450-4232)

Truck Repair Joliet IL

Truck Repair Joliet IL

What can first seem like a fairly minor issue with a semi-truck’s transmission may quickly develop into a major problem that requires extensive repairs. At the first indications of transmission system trouble with your semi-truck, contact Auggie’s Field Service right away for Truck Repair Joliet IL. Here’s a brief reminder of some of the common signs a transmission needs service:

-Pops out of gear. Drivers will generally experience this problem in 2 gears: with one on the lower side and in the same position on the high side. Often this is caused by a deteriorating siding clutch within the main box.

-Transmission fluid leaks. It’s always important to operate a truck with the proper levels of clean transmission fluid to ensure consistent lubrication of its parts. It’s a smart practice to take a look at the area where you park your semi-truck to check for signs of a leak. If leaks are occurring, schedule Truck Repair Joliet IL immediately.

-Difficulty shifting gears. It should not take multiple attempts to simply shift gears. If your truck’s gears are grinding when you shift, a clutch adjustment is probably necessary.

Grinding noises that come from a semi-truck’s transmission may be the result of low levels of transmission fluid. The noises also may be caused from a faulty riding height adjustment. Accurate ride height is what sets the driveline’s pinion angles, which is critical. Grinding noises are usually heard when the semi-truck is in a higher gear.

-Lack of power during acceleration. For consistent, smooth acceleration, a transmission in good order is mandatory. If you’re experiencing acceleration problems, schedule a Truck Repair Joliet IL today. We’ll dispatch our service vehicle to your location and perform prompt repairs that will get your semi-truck running again.