Truck Repair Bolingbrook IL – Auggie’s Field Service – Call Today – (847-450-4232)

Truck Repair Bolingbrook IL

Truck Repair Bolingbrook IL

Signs a Heavy Duty Truck Needs Truck Repair Bolingbrook IL

Regular upkeep is essential for keeping a diesel engine functioning at full power and efficiency. Keep reading to learn some of the signs that mean your truck is in need of service:

Oil sludge. Basically, sludge is excess grime and oil that mixes in to your truck’s oil supply and creates accumulating thickness. Discovering sludge is an indicator that there are components of your diesel engine that require lubrication. Don’t hesitate to call Auggie’s Field Service for assistance if you’re seeing this issue.

-Increases consumption of oil. If you are noticing that your diesel truck’s engine is consuming excess oil, schedule service right away. A typical cause of this is often worn-out, old piston rings. They can permit oil to start leaking into the crankcase, causing major engine damage due to the lack of lubricant.

-Increasing exhaust smoke. In comparison to other types of motor vehicle, heavy duty diesel trucks produce lots of exhaust. This can make it difficult to determine if the smoke is increasing. If you do observe more smoke than normal coming from your truck, it is an indicator it needs Truck Repair Bolingbrook IL.

If the smoke looks blue, it indicates that your engine is probably burning oil. When the exhaust smoke turns white, it’s a sign the engine is likely burning coolant as well as fuel. Do not ignore these warning signs because the damage occurring can be major.

-Engine knock. With any vehicle, knocking sounds are never a welcome sign. With a diesel engine, it is often the results of compression problems. Or, engine knock can indicate something is wrong with the fuel injector. Waiting too long to identify what’s causing the sounds can lead to unnecessary damages and additional downtime for the truck.